Exhibition and publication fees: A price guide for emerging artistsI
This is an example of exhibition fees and pricing for emerging artists. You can copy, alter and use all of the information below as much as you like. The main goal is to give a working example of prices and fees so anyone participating in an exhibition has the necessary information to make the best choices.
Keep in mind, plenty of exhibitions and art events don’t have the funds to actually pay the appropriate amounts and those are usually artist-lead or community-lead projects and should be understood as such. This list is primarily made for the times you are cooperating with bigger entities like small or mid-size galleries and fully funded events (usually as part of a government funding program spanning over a multi-year timeframe).
Example of exhibition fees
- Participation fee in a group exhibition: 300.00 €
- Participation fee in the transfer of a group exhibition: 200 €
- Exhibition fee for solo exhibition: 800,00 €
- Exhibition fee for the transfer of a solo exhibition: 400,00 €
- Lecture, artist’s talk, individual contribution to the conference: 200.00 €
- Participation in a conference with a smaller contribution: 100,00 €
- Publication of artwork in a printed magazine (poster, cover …): 100,00 €
In the event that the client co-finances the creation of an artwork, the author should offer him or her a discount equivalent to the percentage of the co-financing share.
Prices are valid if the contracting authority is a public institution or a non-governmental organisation with a multi-annual project plan or is co-financed by public funds. In the event that the client is financed with public funds on a yearly basis, prices can be up to 30% lower.
Prices are listed in gross amounts.
An artist can always decide to waive the fee.
Production costs, material costs and travel costs are not included. For them, artists and the contractor should make a separate agreement.
If the contracting authority does not have funds for an exhibition or royalty, the artist can agree with the client for material compensation in the amount of the exhibition fee. Examples of compensation: catalogs, books, subscriptions to magazines, framing or printing of works, translations, etc.
You should always put the agreement with the contracting entity in writing prior to the execution of the project. You never know what could happen so having an agreement on paper gives both parties leverage if things go in an unpredictable direction.